Since the early days of rFactor1 and the Racing for Holland sim racing team, I have had the pleasure to know Marcel Offermans as one of the friendliest and most open-minded individuals within the sim racing industry with a real passion for both the hobby and its community.
Back in 2016, Marcel who is an experienced Software architect migrated both rF1 and rF2 to Steam. Following this migration, Marcel founded Studio 397 and became its managing director.
The new company took over the development of the Factor 2 racing simulator and communicated a very ambitious roadmap outlining the future of rFactor 2. While it has been a massive task to bring rF2 back to the higher echelons of Sim Racing, it is safe to say that Marcel and his team have done an outstanding job.
But all good things must come to an end. Today Marcel Offermans officially announced that he is leaving the software studio he founded and will move on to a new adventure exploring new challenges.
So long, and thanks for all the fish!
Those of you familiar with the works of Douglas Adams will probably have figured out what’s going on by now. The fourth book in the famous trilogy is used more often as a humorous way to say goodbye.
Almost six years ago now I got the opportunity to take over rFactor 2 and start Studio 397. Over time we grew the user base by an order of magnitude, improved just about every aspect of the simulation, and did some really cool projects and collaborations. I had a great time, met many interesting people, worked with a lot of smart people, and made some good friends. By the end of May, it is time to move on. I’m leaving rFactor 2 in very capable hands.
So long, and thanks for all the fish!
I wish Marcel all the best in his future endeavors, and a very big Thank you for everything he has done for the sim racing community. Without a doubt, we will see Marcel pop up somewhere in a virtual race here or there… most likely in a Corvette.
Respect voor al je harde werk Marcel. Ik ben er van overtuigd dat je een volgende project met evenveel passie zal uitvoeren.
Official Webpage – www.studio-397.com