Motorsport Games and Studio 397 have deployed the 2023 Q1 Update and Content drop for rFactor 2, including a new BTCC car, a laser-scanned popular Nord American street circuit, new exciting features, and the regular list of fixes and improvements.
Update and Content Highlights:
- GT3 Update
- Package Management
- Long Beach Grand Prix Street Circuit
- Racing Against Unowned Content
- Honda Civic Type R BTCC
- BTCC Hybrid Boost
- Photo Mode and Cinematics Update
Official Webpage – www.studio-397.com – The rFactor 2 Racing Simulator is available via Steam for €29,99.
- Client: 10601581
- Dedicated Server: 10601594
- Track Limits: reduced sensitivity to switching paths, such as near the pit lane entrance, and reduced strict penalty points for an invalid pit lane to main path change from Drive Through to 1 point.
- Vehicle option for brake repair in a pitstop
- Added “+VR” command line option to launch the game using VR. Added new steam option when starting game.
- Added “Steam Matchmaking Broadcast” option to Multiplayer.json. This will allow the server to be hidden from matchmaking. Current matchmaking status will be shown on the Dedicated Server UI.
- Reworked controller and keyboard controls to default to a new, improved steering sensitivity filter that simulates vehicle forces
- Replaced inaccessible steering rate configuration with steering aggression slider to control how aggressively the new controller filter allows turn-in
- Reworked steering configuration page to replace wheel-only settings with non-wheel relevant settings when a non-wheel device is in use
- Reintroduced adjustable steering rates
- Added selection for gamepad steering filters
- Made both steering filters adjustable independently
- Added snappiness slider to steering rates configuration – 0% is original behaviour, higher % is more snappy without having to increase steering rates
- Made new steering sensitivity filter more direct
- Server keys are now machine independent and can be shared between any machines
Track Limits
- Scale certain factors of scoring down when we go less than a third of the track width off track.
- Fixed a rare possibility of cuts not being scored.
- Added extra data to logging & ModDev Debug mode
- Added soft blend when changing selected vehicle
- Added ability to hold current camera
- Added ability to pause car tracking. Pressing the SHIFT key whilst this is enabled will reset tracking to the closest point the tracking is paused at.
- Added camera group tracking for cars traveling close together, by default in race sessions only.
- Allow the previous laps S/F line camera to remain valid when using cycle method. This allows for different cameras over the start finish line.
- Reduced strength of shake effect on cameras with this enabled.
- Allowed zooming in / out / reset on TV Cameras with out any extra modes being enabled. Optionally allowed this to persist after changing cameras.
- Added acceleration and deceleration to Freelook for smoother movement.
- Added the ability to load custom cameras from Userdata\Cameras
- Added auto calculation of spectator camera directions to the nearest waypoint to the first activation location.
Photo Mode
- Split out from Freelook camera adjustments (aperture, exposure, focus) options to a separate Photo Mode.
- Photo Mode allows configuration of visual settings, in addition to the usual Freelook options. However is not available when driving.
- UI accessible from replay screen, with full configuration options and key hints.
- Renamed all controls to FreeMove/FreeLook/FreeLens as these are not accessible in the full Photo Mode.
- New electric motor implementation (used for btcc cars) including
- Electric Motor map
- Added to onboard controls (not in gui yet)
- Regeneration map
- Added to onboard controls (not in gui yet)
- Push to Pass map
- Added to onboard controls (not in gui yet)
- Plugin API updated to include physics output (also see plugin example):
- Battery charge
- torque
- rpm
- motor temperature
- water temperature (if applicable)
- motor state (inactive, propulsion, regenerate)
- Updated p2p system with new options to accommodate btcc:
- time limit per lap
- minimum gear activation requirement
- minimum time between activations
- turn off when crossing start/finish
- Fixed bug where SteeringInnerTable wasn’t always properly applied
- Fixed bug with reading brake maps from hdv/engine files. It now reads definitions with less than 11 entries again.
- Fixed visual steering lock mismatch at low speeds when using non-standard steering lock in the vehicle setup
- Fixed temporary boost not taking into account session boost limit
- Improved visual progression of wet road with a more linear progression.
- Added new IBL Water Shader which uses SSR for more accurate reflections.
- Added motion blur.
- Fixed various stutters with cloud movement in replays and online
- Live TV Screens: Added option to disable, Fixed aspect ratio when running non 16:9 resolutions, Improved shader visually.
- Forced use of high power GPU on devices with multiple GPUs (i.e. Laptops).
- Tweaked PostFX profiles for more realistic depth of field on broadcast cameras
- Improved management of Driver fuel calculations, making sure that we only update when a fully valid lap has been completed.
- Fixed error in default calculations which would mean with fuel scalars, AI would not add extra fuel to tank
- Improved logic for cars leaving pits in practice and qualifying sessions. Encouraging AI to use up all laps, and making sure they attempt to set a lap time in short sessions.
- Fix for AI being prevented from passing when pitting in on a race lap
- Fix for AI running into the back of other vehicles
- Cockpit Display now shows Brake Bias correctly as the bias to the front in whole percent.
- Fixed being able to set race laps to below 2 in single player session settings.
- Fixed the singleplayer quick event page layout being broken sometimes on page load.
- Added new “Cinematic cameras” tab in Settings → Assign controls
- This tab holds new cinematic settings along with previously existing assignable controls
- Renamed “Cameras & seat” tab to “Driving cameras & seat” and re-organized the assignable controls
- Made the hitbox for checkboxes in the content screen table slightly bigger
- Fixed the ‘Default’ FOV setting showing as ‘9’ instead of ‘Default’
- Corrected various camera control help tips
Package Management
- New system to allow store items to be unsubscribed / resub scribed through the UI
- Packages can be download in the background without blocking the UI
- Packages in the content management are grouped by workshop or store item
- The install UI can be minimized when downloading content
- Package states now show as orange when an operation is in progress
- Content you don’t own can now be installed from the content management page
- On the cars and tracks lists, greyed out cars and tracks that you do not own and added a button to access the store page for that item
- You can spectate on any race even if you don’t own anything assuming the content is installed
- You can only race in cars that you own on tracks that you own
- When joining a server cars you do not own will be grayed out
- When passenger swapping you can only ride as a passenger in vehicles you own you should only be able to select those vehicles you own
- Added information about required content to join the server on the join error page
- Greyed out entries with cars you do not own in the spectate popup
- Disabled “Resume” replay button for entries with car you do not own
- Added PBR Debug Tool for Mod Dev and Scene Viewer. This allows artists to debug the component outputs of the PBR pipeline.
- Added IBL Water Shader which uses SSR for reflections
- Fixed occasional glitchy car tracking in camera editor
- Updated ModDev to load RCD files from Vehicle folders
- AI Editor Improvements:
- Allow the removal of multiple paths in one go
- More consistent AIW path adjustments
- Fixed editing of pit paths wp positions
- Fixed updating of path positions when editing waypoint positions
- Added fuel to various ModDev debug screens (Driver and Vehicle screens)
- Added new cockpit elements:
- BoostMotorTempDigit
- BatteryLevelDigit
- P2PActivationsThisLap
- P2PActiveTimeThisLap
- Improved ttool perfomance significantly. It’s now more than twice as fast. The checksum will differ, but results are the virtually the same.
Known issues
- Cancel updates button is unresponsive
- Driver labels are sometimes out of position on screen or sort incorrectly with certain transparent objects
- Motion blur is disabled for cockpit cameras
- Booting in offline mode can cause premium content to display as pending uninstall in the content management screen, returning to online mode restores the correct display
- It is not possible to take a pit stop when pitlanes without a boundary do not have a clear break in the cut corridors between the pitlane and the main track.
Car Updates:
All GT3 v3.55
- New default setup
- Now in GT3 folder in UI
- BOP Updates
Aston Martin: 0
Audi 18: -5 kg
Audi 19: -3 kg
Bentley 2017: -5 kg
Bentley 2020: +8 kg
BMW M6: -5 kg
BMW M4: +15 kg
Callaway: +5 kg
Ferrari: -5 kg
Mercedes AMG: -30 kg
McLaren 720: 0
McLaren 650: -5 kg
Porsche 911: -5 kg
Radical: None, awaiting fix
Dallara IR-18 v1.71
- Slightly increased damping on suspension components for stability purposes
- More differences between primary and alternate tires at road and street courses
- Adjust grip on road course tires to improve overall balance
- Added slightly more grip to short oval tires
- Tweaked cooling properties on oval tires
- Made display lit at night
- Added P2P active LEDS to steering wheel
- Fixed bump stop travels
- Adjusted default oval setups
- Corrected Indy 500 race boost
- Corrected gear ratios for other ovals
- Slight tweak to Short Track setups
- Added AI specific setup for Gateway
- Short track tyres run slightly cooler
- Limited amount of wing that can be used on short ovals
Stock Car 2018 v2.31
- Rear Windows Offset adjusted so they don’t disappear in cockpit view
- 8500 cockpit sound fix to prevent cutting out on long straights
- Added new drivers to RCD
- Added tires for North Wilkesboro Speedway
Stock Car 2018x v1.19
- Updated 3D models
- Updated liveries
- Updated brake torque and aero package
- Updated all default setups
- Updated all tires
- Adjusted horse power at rear wheels
- Added new sounds for new sound engine
- Added wiper for wet road course races
- Added RCD talent file
- Added new shaders to all objects
- Improved AI
Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (992) v1.05
- Made AI faster
- Made rims brighter at night
- Slightly improved brake light glow
- Added steering wheel to showroom
- Fixed interior shadowcaster in showroom
- Optimized textures
- New gravel sounds
- Fixed tire normal maps
BMW 330 BTCC v1.19
- Added hybrid system to 2022 car
- Added hybrid HUD for 2022 car
- Small update on the exterior sounds, adding some more volume
- Updated AO maps
- Updated metal material
Ford Focus BTCC v1.33
- Added hybrid system to 2022 car
- Added hybrid HUD for 2022 car
- Updated AO maps
- Updated metal material
Hyundai i30 BTCC v1.37
- Added hybrid system to 2022 car
- Added hybrid HUD for 2022 car
- Updated AO maps
- Updated metal material
Infiniti Q50 v1.39
- Added hybrid system to 2022 car
- Added hybrid HUD for 2022 car
- Updated AO maps
- Updated metal material
Toyota Corolla BTCC V1.49
- Added hybrid system to 2022 car
- Added hybrid HUD for 2022 car
- Updated AO maps
- Updated metal material
Vauxhall Astra BTCC 1.03
- Added hybrid system to 2022 car
- Added hybrid HUD for 2022 car
- Updated AO maps
- Updated metal material
Vanwall Vandervell v1.17
- Optimized shadow mesh
- Updated car name in menu
- New team name for 2023 liveries
- Two additional settings for gearbox
- Separated radiators and brake coolers
- Updated logos texture near rear wheels
- New AO map for car body
- WEC and team sponsors for all liveries
Track Updates
Circuit d’Azure v1.23
- Added SSR Water Shader
- Updated Wet Weather Road Materials
Zandvoort v2.62
- SSR Water Shader Update
- Updated advertisements
- Minor LOD Optimization
Portland v1.10
- Track Limits review including fix for issues on last turn.
- Fixed minor terrain gap
- Fixed minor sound error
- Fixed AI Clipping pit box when exiting rear paddock
- SSR Water Shader Update
- Minor LOD Optimization
World Wide Technology Raceway v1.11
- Minor AIW fixes
- Fixed pit out markers placement
Daytona v1.21
- Reviewed Track Limits on Oval & RC
- SSR Water Shader Update
- Updated background mapper for water reflections
- Fixed collision issues
Thruxton v1.07
- Fixed overly spectator material resolution
- Fixed an issue with a broadcast camera clip plane
- Minor foliage fixes
- Minor No Rain Zone Fix
Indianapolis v1.23
- Fixed Safety Car Speeds
Monte Carlo 66 v2.12
- Reviewed track limits
- SSR Water Shader update
- Minor tweaks to specular/ambient mapper configuration
- Fixed various SCN/Visgroup warnings
Electric Docks v2.35
- Fixed pit entry track limits issue which would make it cause problems with pit stops.